
Berlin – City Notes. An artistic search for Clues.

28.06. – 01.07.2021
A workshop in cooperation with Jugend im Museum e.V.

In the exhibition Berlin, 1945-2000: A Photographic Subject by the Reinbeckhallen Foundation, a wide variety of photographic positions are shown that reflect social, political and cultural changes that the city has undergone in 55 years. This portrait of our city is the starting point for a project with students in Oberschöneweide.

Discover on site the eventful past of the former industrial site Oberschöneweide and be inspired by the extraordinary surroundings. With photos, frottages, drawings, collages and prints you will artistically explore your impressions of the city.
In search of motifs, you will look for characters, images and events that surround you every day and let your imagination run wild. In a joint exchange and with the things you find, you develop your own stories. The results of your artistic search for clues will be put down on paper in words or pictures using various materials and techniques. In a final exhibition, the resulting works will be presented and the workshop process can be experienced in dialogue with the exhibits.

Direction | Ulrike Koloska (freelance artist and art historian, graphic and book arts)

This workshop takes place in cooperation with Jugend im Museum e.V. (JiM).

The workshop will take place on 4 days from 28.06. to 01.07. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Reinbeckhallen. The age limit is between 14 and 18 years.

Places can be booked the website of Jugend im Museum e.V. HERE.