The Stiftung Reinbeckhallen Sammlung für Gegenwartskunst is an independent, non-profit institution. With your donation, you will be helping it to further its activities, namely to promote art, culture, and education in Oberschöneweide and its surroundings. 

The Stiftung Reinbeckhallen works with local and international artists, collectives, and institutions on a wide-ranging number of exhibitions, events, and cultural education projects. With your support, it would like to establish the Reinbeckhallen as an inclusive space for contemporary art and to not only promote the work of emerging artists, but to also offer workshops and events for children and young people.

Every donation will help us reach our goals!

Donations Account Number

Recipient | Stiftung Reinbeckhallen Sammlung für Gegenwartskunst
Bank | Weberbank Actiengesellschaft
IBAN | DE98 1012 0100 1004 0553 45

Purpose | Spende

Thank you for your donation!

If you would like a donation receipt, please email with the following information: name, address, date of transfer, and amount of donation. We will send you a donation receipt in a timely manner.