Jetzt: Magnum Photos | Kangaroo Tour

in German
Take your little ones to the Stiftung Reinbeckhallen!

Exploring an exhibition with a baby can be a bit stressful at times. That’s why we invite all parents and their little ones to experience our current exhibition Jetzt: Magnum Photos with an informative kangaroo tour in a relaxed atmosphere. Parents can take their babies to the exhibition either in a baby carrier or a stroller. Since we are opening the Reinbeckhallen exclusively for the kangaroo tour on October 26th, all participants can move around the exhibition freely and not worry about other visitors. Changing diapers and breastfeeding breaks will be incorporated into the tour.

During this tour, Maximiliane Kolle (MA) will offer exciting insights into the role and possibilities of contemporary photography.

The art and photography historian Maximiliane Kolle works as a cultural manager in Berlin. After studying in Bonn, Munich, and Vancouver, she received her Master’s degree from the Elite Network of Bavaria and graduated with a thesis on Japanese photography and portrait photography. She works/has worked for various institutions, such as the Haus der Kunst, the Fondation Louis Vuitton, the Stiftung Reinbeckhallen as well as for the artist Katharina Grosse as exhibition and program manager and has developed several communication strategies. She is co-founder of the independent platform Berlin Art Diary.