Artist Talk & Exhibition Catalogue Presentation

A conversation between Konrad Mühe and Darja Zub and presentation of Kunst & Hallen. Kunstsinn über Mauern hinweg

The work of Konrad Mühe (b. 1982 in Karl-Marx-Stadt), an artist who lives and works in Berlin, questions our constructions of identity by revealing their techno-media conditions and confronting them with objects that have a life of their own.

In conversation with art historian Darja Zub, Mühe will connect his subject matter with current perspectives on questions of identity in a fully digitized and declined—from self-optimization—society.

Published by Verlag für Moderne Kunst, the exhibition catalogue Kunst & Hallen. Kunstsinn über Mauern hinweg will be presented for the first time alongside this conversation.

The event will take place in German and a sign language interpreter will be present.

Konrad Mühe
Andre Simonow / Amelie Amei

Konrad Mühe attended the Master Class of Hito Steyerl and studied at the Universität der Künste Berlin and at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle. His work has been featured in various film festivals and exhibitions, including those that took place at the 61. Berlinale, the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, and the Museum of Modern Art in Moscow.

Darja Zub is an art historian who lives and works in Berlin. Her research is at the intersection of contemporary art, society and politics. She regularly publishes her thoughts on art in SCHIRN Mag, the magazine of the Schirn Kunsthalle. For KUNST & HALLEN, Darja works as an assistant to curator Tereza de Arruda in project organization and communication.


Catalogue: Kunst & Hallen. Kunstsinn über Mauern hinweg

30 x 20 cm, 100 pages with approximately 70 colour images in a brochure placed in corrugated cardboard

Texts by: Solange Lingnau, Dr. Uwe Neumann, Tereza de Arruda, and Stephan Koal

Design by: Huelsenberg Studio

Published by: Verlag für Moderne Kunst

Price: 30 EUR

This event is free and is open to 20 adults, all of whom must register in advance by sending an email to kunst&

Please be aware that this event is 2G and that visitors, whose data will be collected for the purposes of contact tracing, must wear FFP2 masks.