Ferienakademie Werkstatt Neue Drucke © RBH I Doreen Reichenbach
Summer School II

Letters for Peace

15. – 19.08.2022
Typefaces say more than words. They can trigger feelings, evoke ideas, and convey attitudes. In this workshop, children and young people will delve into the history of print using type specimen books from the period after 1900.

A letter in the alphabet and a letter you write are one and the same in the English language. We put this into practice and print postcards with old letterpress type and write letters on old typewriters with our own messages of peace, which we send out beyond Schöneweide into the world.

Idea & Concept | Ulrike Koloska, Katharina Walter

The five-day workshop is the kick-off of a year-long collaborative project between the Stiftung Reinbeckhallen, the Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, the Jugendkunstschule Treptow-Köpenick, the Schule an der Alten Feuerwache, and the Integrationszentrum für Migranten/Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Arbeit, Bildung und Wohnen mbH. This year-long project is funded as part of “Museum macht stark,” the joint funding program of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and the German Museums Association.